Thanks to all who sent me questions! Submit a question of your own and, if it’s a good one, I’ll add it to the list!

Have you really worked as every position on the call sheet?

Maybe not Hair/Makeup, though I’ve definitely tamed my fair share of flyaways. I’ve professionally served as a director, DP, editor, actor, writer, producer, grip, gaffer, AC and PA.

How would you describe your style?

Besides mind-blowingly amazing?! I would call it elevated realism. My goal when lighting a scene is usually to start with what I observe in a similar real world scenario, then enhance it to match the mood of the particular story we’re telling.

What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done to get the perfect shot?

I rode backwards on the front forklift of a tractor with no safety equipment for a reality show. Wait, did you mean craziest or stupidest?

What is a quote or principle that has gotten you through hard times in your life?

I’m all about balance and moderation. I try to constantly remind myself that everything is temporary and to trust that better times will eventually balance out the hard times. In the words of the late George Harrison, “all things must pass.” He was a wise lad.